Trusted Painters Serving the Greater Boston and North Shore Areas


Interior & Exterior Painting and More

Big Dog Painting is a full-service residential and commercial painting company headquartered in Woburn, serving the Greater Boston and Eastern Massachusetts areas.

We specialize in high-quality interior & exterior painting, including cabinet painting & refinishing.

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The Big Dog Difference

Magazine-Quality is Our Standard
We deliver work that is not only aesthetically beautiful, but stands the test of time, backed by a rigorous prep process, knowledgable application and top-notch finishes.

Experienced Teams, Modern Techniques
Founded in 2008, we’ve had the privilege of partnering with some of the top contractors and clients in Boston and the surrounding area.

We’re built on modern best-practices and techniques (no old habits here) and keep up to date with advancements that help us deliver the highest quality jobs, efficiently.

Communication & Relationships
We don’t take on hundreds of jobs a year. We believe in responsive, respectful communication and transparency. You’ll always know who to talk to, where we're at in the process and what comes next.

Meet the Owner