House Painters in Arlington, MA


Interior & Exterior Painting and More

Big Dog Painting is a full-service home and commercial painting company headquartered in Woburn, serving Arlington, the Greater Boston and Eastern Massachusetts areas.

We specialize in large-and-small-scale jobs across a wide range of services including interior painting, exterior painting and cabinet painting and refinishing.

Our Painting Services

Additional Services

Things to Consider When Painting a Home in Arlington

Painting a home in Arlington brings a range of its own unique challenges. While Arlington was originally settled in 1635 (as the town of Menotomy and later re-named in 1867, fun fact) the town experienced some of its most significant residential development between 1890 and the 1930s with many of these storied homes still inhabited today (and often in need of some knowledgeable TLC).

Depending on how they were maintained, many historic homes have a wide range of paint types and finishes under one roof (and often under multiple layers of paint at that). We have lots of experience not only identifying and managing the unique challenges these homes present, but also take pride in our ability to honor their history by applying appropriate paints and techniques that match their period aesthetics.

Meet the Owner

We pride ourselves on our uncommon attention to detail & the relationships we build with our clients.

Don’t just take our word for it…